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ServicesSecret Garden HotelSecret Garden

SECRET GARDEN is the first 4 star, modern hotel complex in the Romanian rural environment, opened in the summer of 2007. The hotel has 20 double rooms and 4 suites, a large event hall, a restaurant with a terrace, indoor and outdoor pools, a sauna, a fitness center, a multifunctional sports field with a night time lighting system and a special wine cellar.

Starting with 2009, the SECRET GARDEN 4* Hotel accepts the payment of hotel services by holiday vouchers, under the requirements of the law. The (currently) accepted vouchers:

• Tichet Vacanţă (Accor);
• Turist Pass (Sodexo);
• Cheque vacances (Cheque Dejeuner);
• Tichet de vacanţă (Romticket).

Dănești, Maramureș County, Romania

Tel: (+4) 0262.298.0360
Fax: (+4) 0262.298.035

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Bd. Mărăşti 25
Bucureşti, sector 1